Experience careers firsthand

Find the career that suits you best!

Find what truly excites you, and let that passion shape who you are and what you achieve.


People think that they make right decisions until they realize that there exists something better. What if few years down the line after all the time, money and effort you have spent, you find out what you do is not what you are truly made for? Why not make the right decision at the very beginning? We are here to help you make that decision.



Discover things that inspire you through our curated collection of career guidance videos & podcast.


Get to experience careers that interest you by being part of experience camps and our career guidance community.


Revisit your learnings and make a Tiny leap towards a bright and successful career.

Listen to what the experts from the field say

Go beyond your sight and know about amazing things that are being built by organizations around the world. Learn about the life of people working at those organizations. Develop your vision for the world. Discover ways of joining and contributing to the mission of those great organizations that share your vision.

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Two people talking - Generated with Adobe Firefly
Children working on PCBs - Generated with Adobe Firefly

Get a glimpse into yourdream career

Learn, try and work to experience the career that fascinates you. Gain foundational knowledge, learn to handle tools and access resources required for you to get a glimpse of the work life in the career of your choice.

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